Speaker Bios

11:30 am – 12:30 am
Ballroom AB

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Pencil Crayons to Smartphones: Learning to Push the Buttons.

Kevin Topolniski, Chief Forester, Acadian Timber

Presenting: Working in the forest industry for several decades has provided an opportunity to make and experience the results of long term forecasts. The presentation will cover the examples of integrating change into forest management.


Kevin has a BScF.and received an NSERC grant to pursue his MScF from the University of New Brunswick, which he deferred to gain experience in the industry. After completion of his MScF, his work kept him within the province of New Brunswick. His work experience includes the basics from planting and thinning trees, insect and disease monitoring to building environmental management systems. His forestry career has included silviculture, harvesting, research, wood supply forecasting, environmental auditing, and information system management as well as many other aspects of the forest industry. Outside of work you can often find him on or around the soccer pitch. Email:

Perspective of a Start-up in Forestry Sector.

Francis Charette, CEO, Algorex

Presenting: Forestry sector is lagging in his Digital transition compared to other sectors, the concept itself and his potential in not well understand by all, so when a start-up company offer a new type of advanced digital services, there is many challenges to overcomes including fear of the unknown and misinterpretation of what is offered by customers. Starting a new company by itself offers many challenges and stress, but it is so rewarding to contribute concretely to the technological improvement of our sector.


Francis Charette graduated from Laval University as a forester in 2006 and holds an MBA from Université du Québec à Montreal. He started his professional career as a planner for Tembec in the Abitibi region, jointed a consultancy firm specialized in R&D tax credits from 2009 to 2012, and finally joined FPInnovations in 2012 as a researcher where he contributed to many research projects on forest operations & sawmilling. Since 2016 Francis, has been focused on management of research in machine automation and digital transformation within the forest sector. Since 2023 he has been President & CEO of an emerging tech company called Algorex. Email:

Dynamic and Balanced Strategy for the Management of Private Timberlands in a Changing Environment.

André Gravel, CEO, Solifor

Presenting: Climate changes and event, Invasive species, Changing markets, Risk Management, Biodiversity, Ecological Forestry, Restoration, Labor shortages, New tech, Carbon market. In a changing environment, how at Solifor we adopt a dynamic and balanced strategy for the management of Private Timberlands.


André Gravel is a forest engineer who graduated from Laval University in 1989. He has worked in several regions of Quebec and of Northeastern America. Since 2021, he is managing private Timberlands in Quebec and Maine for Solifor. André has developed a strategic vision for fiber supply and on the management of large forest properties, emphasizing partnerships and a dynamic approach to sustainable forest management in the context of the global changes we are facing. Email:

L'entreprenariat féminin en opérations forestières.

Amélie Béchard, Directrice générale, Ressources Baie-James

Presenting: Jeune entrepreneure féminin dans le domaine des opérations forestières situé dans le Nord-du Québec. Nous essayons d’utiliser les nouveaux outils forestiers afin d’être les précurseurs dans notre milieu afin d’attirer les meilleurs entrepreneurs. Ce qui nous défini en tant qu’entreprise ce sont la compétence, l’intégrité et l’efficacité. Nous essayons que chaque entrepreneur soit au maximum de son efficacité. Nous agissons à titre d’intermédiaire entre l’usine et nos entrepreneurs forestiers. Par nos compétences, nous formons nos entrepreneurs à connaître leurs coûts d’opérations.


Graduée de l'Université Laval en opérations forestières en 2007. J'ai débuté ma carrière en janvier 2008 chez Horizon Services Forestiers à Val d'or comme planificateur forestier. En mars 2010, nous avons fondé Ressources Baie-James, mon conjoint et moi, avec l'aide des actionnaires du moment chez Horizon. Ils ont agit à titre de mentorat pour nous pendant plusieurs années pour nous aider à développer notre entreprise. Les premières années, on prenait tout ce qui se trouvait sur notre passage. De la planification forestières aux inventaires de toutes sortes. En avril 2015, nous obtenons le contrat de récolte pour la scierie Matagami, autrefois détenu par Eacom Timber Corporation. Depuis ce temps, nous sommes spécialisés en opérations forestières. Dans nos meilleurs années, nous avons récolté plus de 450 000 m³. Email:

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Speaker Bios